Improved Product Pages

We’ve overhauled the product pages (example) to make it easier to understand what you’re getting at a glance. Here’s what you’ll find on all new textures, and eventually the whole library once remaster is complete in 2025.

Better Previews

  1. Video Previews - A new semi-turntable to help you understand the materials reflectance and displacement and tiling.

2. PBR map preview - A sliced preview of the PBR maps you’ll be downloading. Makes it easy to see what information is included.

3. Tiling preview - No more guessing whether the texture can tile enough for your scene! This 4x4 tiling is the great way to understand seamlessness at a glance.

4. Zoom preview - Now you know how it holds up at close range without needing to download it. This preview shows an exact 1:1 zoom of the maximum resolution.

5. Scene preview - Understand how the texture looks in a typical use case.

6. Location Reference - Help understand the context and location of the real surface.

7. Color Chart Reference - Have increased confidence that the white balance and colors match that of the real surface.

Eventually the entire library will have these new previews as we remaster all older content to the new standards in 2024.

Better Descriptions

  1. Improved Sidebar - Understand what you’re getting at a glance.

2. Deliverable Information - No more guessing what you’re receiving. Exact files and usage is included here.

3. Resolution and Texel Density - Understand what each resolution delivers in texel density.

4. Creation Method - Understand whether it’s procedural, photogrammetry or stereo photometric.

See everything on this asset and all new assets going forward!

We hope you like the new changes. Drop us a comment with your thoughts!

Improving texture standardization

Our textures are higher quality than they were 9 years ago, but the newer formats have lead to an inconsistent user experience. Today’s textures have completely different PBR maps, bit-depths and resolutions than older textures.

So in an effort to increase consistency, we’re announcing our new texture standards: a framework that sets expectations for what to expect when you download our textures. Currently only new textures are published with these specifications, but our goal is to remaster all textures to these standards by the end of 2025. For now, only textures will be updated.

Read the full texture specifications for details, but here are the main changes:

  • Defined PBR Maps: A predictable set of deliverables: Base Color, Roughness, Normal, Displacement, Ambient Occlusion, Metallic and a new ORM map for realtime.

  • Improved Filenames: All files are named with the new structure of: Poliigon_DescriptiveName_AssetIDNumber_MapName

  • More Resolutions: 8K-1K for large, 8K-.256 for small.

  • Set Physical Sizes: All surfaces are 2.5x2.5m (large surfaces) or 30x30cm (small surfaces)

  • Material X - An interoperable industry standard .mtlx file that can be natively imported in multiple softwares.

The exact formats and resolutions can be set by clicking the Download settings button, in the sidebar of any asset.

Team and Enterprise Users will also have these benefits:

  • Added 16-bit TIFFs and EXRs maps: TIFFs for Team users, and TIFFs and EXRs for Enterprise users.

  • Added Source Files: When available, Enterprise user can access substance and source files per asset.

If an existing texture can’t be remastered to these standards, it will be unpublished and re-captured. The unpublished texture will remain downloadable for previous purchasers.

Read the full texture standards here. Make sure to update to the latest plugins for Blender, 3ds Max, C4D, Sketchup and Maya to correctly use the new format.

103 FREE Models, Textures and HDRIs

Poliigon is pleased to announce a completely refreshed free library, with 103 NEW, FREE Models, Textures and HDRIs.

Every 3D artist now has access to AAA-quality assets that they can use freely in commercial and non-commercial projects.

All assets work natively using our plugins for Blender, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Maya and Sketchup.

We’ve done away with the previous assortment of oddball assets, and replaced them with some of the most popular assets on the site.

Here’s some of the assets you now have access to…

Photoscanned cinnamon rolls

Photoscanned candles and grapes

We hope you get good mileage out of the new free assets!

For even more leverage, take advantage of the full range of 3,000+ Textures, Models and HDRIs.

A year in review: 2022

Here’s Poliigon’s 2022 in 30 seconds:

In summary:

Now let’s delve into the assets…

You told us last year you wanted more assets, faster. So after some internal restructuring and pipeline improvements we went from releasing assets monthly to weekly! And in 2023 our goal is to double the total number of assets we release.

Here’s our biggest asset releases in 2022:

523 Fabrics

Our mega-drop of fabric textures was one of our biggest releases in Poliigon history, including 460 Twinbru ‘digital twin’ fabrics and 57 velvet and suede textures.

The top 10 most popular fabric textures in 2022:

135 Tiles

Our tile texture release ranged from your typical ceramic, to your rustic terracotta and pavers.

The top 10 most downloaded tile in 2022:

63 Decorations

Decorations are the small items that make a house a home; our range of artisanal decor models included vintage timber boards, rustic ceramics and geometric pots and vases.

The top 10 most popular decorations in 2022:

57 Plastics

From swirling Bakelite to molded surface detailing, this year’s plastic textures were perfect for use across interior design, automotive modelling, product design and industrial scenes.

The top 10 most popular plastic textures in 2022:

45 Antique Metals

Antique, hammered, enameled, rusted, scratched; our antique metal collection was specifically designed to turn heads.

The top 10 most popular downloaded metal textures in 2022:

30 Food Models

…had your 5 a day? From fresh fruit ‘n’ veg, to mouth-watering pastries and baked goodies, our latest drop of food models were one of our crowd favorites across socials.

Most popular food models:

23 Lamp Models

Coming in at the eleventh hour, here’s our latest designer collaborations with German boutique lamp designer WeraJane, exclusive to Poliigon.


A whole range of assorted assets across categories like brick, wicker, metal cladding, cords, ground & terrazzo. Here’s what our art team did with them:

Poliigon Blender Addon

Our mission with the new Blender addon was to completely remove the need for a browser. The new addon does exactly that, ensuring that +5,000 assets are never more than a click away.

Our engineering team is busy working on plugins across other software packages, including a 3ds Max plugin that we hope to release early 2023. Watch this space!

29 New Articles and Tutorials

Our content team pivoted their focus this year to bring you a range of content that supported the professional and creative goals of our users, including:

Thanks for joining us on this journey. We can’t wait to see what you make in 2023!

New Ground Photoscans

As we enter a new era of 4K as standard, texture detail has never been more important. And as we’ve said in the past, the gold standard for captured detail is photoscans.

So we’re proud to announce a massive drop of ultra-high quality ground photoscans.

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3 Reasons You’ll Love these New Scans

While it’s not hard to find photoscans online, many are plagued with problems created through shortcuts.

1. Larger captures

Repeating texture tiles is a problem most artists are all too familiar with. And while you can disguise it with clever mapping, the root of the problem is often that the captured surface is just too small.

The difference between a 3x3m capture and a 1x1m capture is 66% less tiling. Which is why all of our new scans are 3x3m by default.

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2. Sharper Captures

Unless you’ve closely inspected the scans you’re downloading, you may not know that many are missing crucial detail due to sloppy capturing.

Sharp captures require expensive camera equipment, more photos per scan and longer processing times. Our methods are far more costly than your typical scan, but create much sharper materials.


3. Variety

Whether you’re making grassy plains, forests, gardens, fields or anything in between you’ll find something to suit your next project.

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Here’s a few examples of what you can do with them:

Introducing Indoor Plant Models

In November 2018 I visited The Boundary, a leading archviz studio in London, to ask them what assets they needed most and they answered “High quality plants”.

“There’s lots of plant models out there, but very few are high quality” they explained.

Later the artists at Poliigon set out with the ambitious goal to create a physically accurate collection of plants that just work. No matter the lighting or environment, the plants should look realistic.

After nearly a year we believe we’ve achieved that. Here’s how we created our collection of 40 PLANTS, now available for every major software and rendering package.


The Problem

We investigated the existing market for plants and found that it typically uses just one photographed leaf texture, mapped to a mesh:

A typical plant model - found on BlendSwap.

A typical plant model - found on BlendSwap.

The problem with this is that it’s missing vital information that can only be guessed from it’s single photo texture.

By comparison, real plants are extensively detailed. Micro-changes to it’s shape, color, reflectivity and translucency play a huge role in how it looks.

Reference photos of a real plant

Reference photos of a real plant


How we did it

To match the real world as close as possible, we created a custom photoscanning setup using a rotational light source to capture clean albedo and accurate displacement + a lightpad to capture the raw translucency.


We also added something we’ll call “nature gunk” - dust, dirt, droppings etc. - which was the final piece of the material puzzle.

We then used extensive reference of the real plant to capture the exact shape and leaf distribution, which we then recreated digitally - ensuring optimized, clean meshes.


The Result

By combining everything, we were able to create a physically accurate collection of 40 Plants, ready to drop into your next interior.

These are ready to download now. Enjoy!
