A year in review: 2022

Here’s Poliigon’s 2022 in 30 seconds:

In summary:

Now let’s delve into the assets…

You told us last year you wanted more assets, faster. So after some internal restructuring and pipeline improvements we went from releasing assets monthly to weekly! And in 2023 our goal is to double the total number of assets we release.

Here’s our biggest asset releases in 2022:

523 Fabrics

Our mega-drop of fabric textures was one of our biggest releases in Poliigon history, including 460 Twinbru ‘digital twin’ fabrics and 57 velvet and suede textures.

The top 10 most popular fabric textures in 2022:

135 Tiles

Our tile texture release ranged from your typical ceramic, to your rustic terracotta and pavers.

The top 10 most downloaded tile in 2022:

63 Decorations

Decorations are the small items that make a house a home; our range of artisanal decor models included vintage timber boards, rustic ceramics and geometric pots and vases.

The top 10 most popular decorations in 2022:

57 Plastics

From swirling Bakelite to molded surface detailing, this year’s plastic textures were perfect for use across interior design, automotive modelling, product design and industrial scenes.

The top 10 most popular plastic textures in 2022:

45 Antique Metals

Antique, hammered, enameled, rusted, scratched; our antique metal collection was specifically designed to turn heads.

The top 10 most popular downloaded metal textures in 2022:

30 Food Models

…had your 5 a day? From fresh fruit ‘n’ veg, to mouth-watering pastries and baked goodies, our latest drop of food models were one of our crowd favorites across socials.

Most popular food models:

23 Lamp Models

Coming in at the eleventh hour, here’s our latest designer collaborations with German boutique lamp designer WeraJane, exclusive to Poliigon.


A whole range of assorted assets across categories like brick, wicker, metal cladding, cords, ground & terrazzo. Here’s what our art team did with them:

Poliigon Blender Addon

Our mission with the new Blender addon was to completely remove the need for a browser. The new addon does exactly that, ensuring that +5,000 assets are never more than a click away.

Our engineering team is busy working on plugins across other software packages, including a 3ds Max plugin that we hope to release early 2023. Watch this space!

29 New Articles and Tutorials

Our content team pivoted their focus this year to bring you a range of content that supported the professional and creative goals of our users, including:

Thanks for joining us on this journey. We can’t wait to see what you make in 2023!