New Interior Pattern Collection

Ask anyone who makes interior renders and they'll tell you how vital patterns are. They can mean the difference between a bland, boring interior and something with visual interest.

I remember making my first interior architectural render, and wanting to create a striped pattern cushion.

But when I searched for patterns on my favourite texture sites I was surprised to find that there were none! I then realized that while many pattern libraries existed for website designers, there were none for 3D interiors.

So even before we Poliigon had a name, I knew that we had to offer patterns.

While Poliigon has had patterns since launch, we've recently released a collection of 44 new design patterns based on the most common designs available today:

Our team looks forward to seeing what you make with them!

Be sure to tag Poliigon when you post it to ArtStation so we can find it! :)