New Wood Flooring Collection

Wood is a popular choice for architects, as it's both visually interesting and an easy way to breathe life into the decor.

But when it comes to texturing, wood flooring suffers from the same problem as marble: it's very difficult to capture, and as a result most texture sites have a very limited range.

Unlike concrete or bricks (that are readily available in public spaces) wooden flooring can only be found inside finished interiors. And unless you want to break into dozens of homes, it's unlikely you'll find suitable flooring to photograph.

As a result, most texture sites have a very limited range of interior wooden flooring available.

So instead of giving up, we proactively created them from scratch. We took dozens of photo references then recreated them using Substance Designer. 

And after 50 man hours, we're pleased to present this pack of wood that's identical to photo textures.

Here are all 28 of the new wood flooring textures:

For each texture type we created 3 types of wood: light, medium and dark:

And since we had full control of the arrangement, we went an extra step and created unique wood patterns like diagonal parquets and diamonds, that are very difficult to find online:

These are perfect for architectural use, as well as scene building.

Here's how our in-house artist (Guilherme Henrique) used the new texture collection:

These wood textures are now available, to all Poliigon members. Enjoy!