How to Create an Archviz 3D Portfolio in 6 Simple Steps
Creating a 3D portfolio can seem like a mammoth task. But like any large project, all you need to do is to split it up into more manageable, bite-sized steps…which is exactly what we’ve done. Follow our simple 6-step guide to creating your very own archviz portfolio and soon enough, you’ll have a polished online showcase of works to impress clients and hiring managers alike.
“One of the biggest things I look for is talent…I’ll always look at a CV secondary to looking at a portfolio.”
- Nicholas Polley, Managing Director of 3D Design Bureau
Step 1: Where should I build my archviz 3D portfolio?
First things first; where are we creating this portfolio? In Step 1, we dive into the three main categories of portfolio options available to you nowadays…and which one is most seen by hiring managers.
Step 2: How do I choose which projects to showcase in my archviz portfolio?
“Your portfolio IS you; it’s your best expression. So make it shine; keep it simple, creative and fun. Start with your best work, and end with your second best work.”
Your portfolio may be the very first thing a hiring manager looks at - so how do you make it the strongest representation of your work? In Step 2, we give you some helpful advice on how to choose the most impactful projects for the work you want to win, as well as methods and checklists to help you with the Ultimate Cull.
Read Step 2: Choosing Projects To Showcase In Your Portfolio
Step 3: How do I choose which project images to include in my archviz portfolio?
“The more variety you demonstrate in your portfolio, the more likely you are to get employed…the more adaptable you are, the better your chances are of landing the next job. Everyone will perceive you as a versatile artist that can handle any test thrown to them.”
Now, we start getting to the meat of it all. Each project will have two important parts that feature its strengths; the images or videos, and the written descriptions. Step 3 is all about choosing the most impactful images and videos that tell a comprehensive story about your project and skills, as well as a Visual Output Checklist you can follow.
Read Step 3: Choosing Project Images For Your Portfolio
Step 4: What should I write in my portfolio project descriptions?
Being able to analyze your work and recount a project’s highlights adds a professional depth to the images and video you’ve provided. It shows that an impressive project was a calculated, controlled output of your decisions and skills.
Step 4 offers your an easy-to-follow description template that covers all the bases.
Read Step 4: How To Nail Project Descriptions In Your Portfolio
Check out ‘House In The Woods’ by Beta Theodorakopoulou
Step 5: How do I get my archviz 3D portfolio seen?
This might seem like a trick…why are there two more steps if I’ve already finished my portfolio?!
Well, it’s not really going to do much for you unless you know how to get it in front of the right audiences, at the right times. You’ve spent all this time and effort creating it; Step 5 is all about how to share it far and wide.
Portfolio Sharing Checklist
Post a link to your portfolio on your socials.
Add the portfolio link to all your social media bios related to your career.
Feature individual projects on socials, linking back to your project pages.
Enter into design competitions - they’re a great way to be seen by new eyes!
Add yourself to online directories or Facebook/Linkedin groups designed for creative employment opportunities.
Start (or continue) to network online, to build up your pool of contacts that you can share your work with.
Email your contacts, requesting them to check out your portfolio and consider you for any upcoming projects they or their colleagues have in the pipeline. Just avoid email blasting - make each one unique to your contact, the work they do and the relationship you have with them. You may even like to point out a particular project and highlight why they’d be interested in it.
Step 6: How do I keep my portfolio up to date?
Last step, we promise!
Now that you portfolio is out there in the world, it’s important to remember that it isn’t set-and-forget thing.
The 3D industry is a fast-paced one; projects, techniques, trends and software can become out of date in a matter of months. It’s important that you make sure your portfolio keeps up, so you don’t fall behind in the market. You should be regularly reworking your portfolio, whether it’s adding new projects, removing old ones, fine-tuning the descriptions or image/video selections, or making sure your bio and contact details are up to date.
If you’re naturally organized, you might find it easy to simply add noteworthy projects as you finish them. However, life can quickly become hectic; it might be helpful to schedule in dedicated ‘portfolio updating’ days every few months, to make sure it definitely gets done.